Hi Everyone! I just released the first book in a new series for the C-trilogies, The Call to See. I’m so excited!! I hope you’ll check them out! The Call trilogy will comprise of: The Call to See, The Call to be a Tree, and The Call to be Free. The C- series begins with the Code trilogy: The Code of Destiny, The Code of Dignity, and The Code of Deliverance. I believe the Code is the answer to ending violence. It's an old Code ...we all know it, but for some reason don't follow it. We say we do, but, honestly, it's really hard to do. That's why I wrote the Core trilogy ...in hopes of getting to the heart of the matter. The Core Trilogy comprises of The Core of Knowledge, The Core of Change, and The Core of the Soul.

Some of my favorite picture of Zack

My Mom, Zack and me!

Zack McAlister, 1966-1987

My young family!

I love Charlie ...AKA Shelby!

Marty, our dog, and family

Morgan at our old cabin
It's true ...I write about my loved ones! When I began writing my first book, I used the first-person narrative. Well, time after time, my chapters ended up in the trash. It was all just way too personal. Many years later and very frustrated, someone suggested switching to the third-person omniscient. Viola! My books came pouring out. Six of them! I have since switched back to first-person narrative as it feels more authentic. My stories are about Zack, my brother, who was killed due to needless violence in the Spring of 1987. There's so much I want to say, so I write. ❤️

Bubbles and Apollo
Tuesdays with Sara
For the last several years I’ve hosted a writer’s group that got dubbed Tuesdays with Sara. Every Tuesday we meet at my home and we write. Now I want to take Tuesdays with Sara online and help other writers, well, write! Every Tuesday I add a writing prompt on my Facebook page, Tuesdays with Sara, to spark the creative side. I also did an eight week series on how to write a book that I will be adding to my blog section. Check it out!

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Praise For Sara Enochs
"Thought Provoking & Soul Enriching!" C. Altonburg -Amazon Reviewer
This is the first book in a new Call trilogy, and I can't wait until the next book comes out! D. DeJonge -Amazon Reviewer
Definitely spicy and romantic! This book is about deep love, protecting family and finding your purpose. This book was adventurous and fun at every turn!