It’s Tuesday and we are going to switch things up! We’ve been writing about our expectation hangovers, when things don’t turn out the way we thought or planned or wanted. Now it’s time to learn how to flow like a river.
This week we are going to put our pens down and listen to a guided meditation on new beginnings and learn more about this journey we have been on.
Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve learned so far:
What is an Expectation Hangover?
We listed all of our past Expectation Hangovers.
We wrote about one in particular to express our emotions.
We identified what was lost and how it made us feel to learn about what triggers us.
Then we went back through our list and acknowledged what was gained.
We listed future goals and the expectations we have placed upon those goals
Click on the link below to listen to a guided meditation for new beginnings: