Tuesdays with Sara

We write because we have something to say, a story to tell. We write because someone needs to read it. Over at Tuesdays with Sara, my Facebook page, I’ve been sharing writing tips on how to write a novel. Every Tuesday I post a writing prompt. Come March 1, I’m going to change things up in preparation to celebrate Earth Day. 💚

I believe in the power of voice, speaking up, telling your truth. I believe that’s how we heal our planet. Yet, sometimes we are afraid to put our art out there, worried by the reactions of others. Me included! Together we will work through this fear and much more with healing writing prompts. Hope you’ll join me at Tuesdays with Sara for this free, eight week session, deep dive into the heart. Come join me on this adventure by going to Facebook and following Tuesday with Sara and my posts will pop up in your news feed. 

Until March 1st, I’ll keep sharing writing tips and prompts every Tuesday. See you Tuesday!